Cold Weather and Big Whitetails in Alberta
May 12, 2016
Recent Interview with Ron Nemetchek
May 17, 2016If you’ve been thinking about a moose hunt this year but you haven’t pulled the trigger or you’ve been waiting for a last-minute deal, here it is! We have a couple of late openings for British Columbia Moose Hunts this September and we’re offering them at a discount.
Now, when you book two spots for a 2-on-1 hunt, you’ll save more than 25% each for a total discount of $6,800. Our moose hunts are $12,900. But now if you book two spots, we are offering them at just $9,500 a piece. So grab a spouse or a friend and come hunt with us in British Columbia this September!
If you are not familiar with our moose hunts here in northern British Columbia, it is a unique experience like nowhere else on earth. Our hunting area is in the most remote part of B.C. less than 100 miles from the Yukon border. The area is mountainous with broad valleys and wide-open plateaus. High moose densities and open country means we can glass long distances and find lots of animals, making it a fast-paced hunt.
With no resident hunting pressure, this area also is home to outstanding trophy quality. Because we are on the B.C. side of the border, they are considered Canadian Moose in the record books. But with our proximity to the Yukon, they carry Alaska-Yukon moose genetics. This means that all of our hunters have a great shot at taking a Bonne & Crockett class moose.
In addition to great moose hunting, this area holds great populations of mountain caribou with excellent trophy potential. Our moose and mountain caribou inhabit the same areas, so it’s very realistic for our hunters to take two trophies on a 10-day hunt. This makes the ideal combo hunt and it can even be combined with mountain goat. For the hunter willing to work hard, three species in a single hunt is possible!
If you are interested in hunting moose with us this year, please contact us right away. These spots are limited and the price special only applies to 2016 hunts. You must book two spots for a 2-on-1 hunt for the discount to apply. It’s a savings of more than 25% off the regular price! Call us now for details at 780-675-1942 or send us an email.