Dressing for a Mountain Hunt
April 1, 2016
Cold Weather and Big Whitetails in Alberta
May 12, 2016Tax time is over and we hope you’re now busy planning your adventures for the 2016 hunting season! If you’ve been thinking about a British Columbia moose hunt or a combo hunt with mountain caribou, mountain goat or grizzly, we would like to let you know that we now have an opening for the 2016 season! Our hunt that runs from September 7th to 18th is now open and we are looking to fill this week.
Our B.C. moose hunts are a special experience for a couple of reasons. The first, is the sheer quantity of moose. Unlike many areas in the Yukon or other parts of Canada or Alaska, this area is home to a high population density of moose. And second, the trophy quality is outstanding. Our base camp is in the most remote part of northern B.C. just a stone’s throw from the Yukon border. Our moose have the Yukon moose genetics. But because we are just south of the British Columbia border, they are geographically classified as Canadian Moose. That means they are the biggest Canadian Moose found anywhere!
The other thing we love about hunting this area is its extreme remoteness. We fly into lakes where no other humans may have set foot for years. The area receives no outside hunting pressure or resident hunting. That means we’re able to find and hunt some incredible animals in totally untouched country.
In addition to great moose hunting, this area is home to B&C class mountain caribou, mountain goat and grizzly. Any of these species can be hunted in combination. It’s very realistic to take two species on a 10-day hunt. In fact, it’s very realistic to take three species on a 10-day combo hunt! Successfully taking three animals means working hard and moving quickly from one species to another. But there aren’t many other places in the world where that’s possible! Every year we have hunters who take on the challenge and are successful.
We would love to fill this opening for a September hunt, so if you’re interested please call us right away at 780-675-1942 or send us a message. We would love to chat with you about this incredible hunting opportunity.
For general information about hunting with us, please visit our British Columbia Hunts Page. For details or specific availability, give us a call at 780-675-1942. We look forward to hearing from you soon!