We Hunt Where Nobody Else Can
October 25, 2016
Hunting Hard? Six Tips to Recover Quickly in the Backcountry
November 2, 2016The 2016 hunting season has wrapped up in B.C. and it always flies by quickly. It’s hard to believe that another season has come and gone and that it’s almost time to start preparing for next year! We had a great season of moose hunting in British Columbia this year and we’d like to provide a brief update.
We’re very happy to report that all of our moose hunters killed great bulls. In addition to 100% success on our moose hunts, the quality of the bulls this year was once again outstanding. This is a testament to the incredible size of the area we hunt, and the fact that we manage it very carefully.
We take far fewer hunters each season than this area can handle. We often go years between hunting a particular area or drainage. We also use charter planes to shuttle small loads to these extremely remote areas, allowing us to hunt where nobody else does. There is no outside hunting pressure. The moose density and the trophy quality here is very high. This season was another great example.
During the moose rut, it’s not uncommon for our hunters to see a number of different bulls each day. It’s an exciting time to hunt when these big bull moose start coming out of the woodwork.
These hunts are also perfect opportunities for combo hunts, particularly with mountain caribou. In fact, mountain goat, grizzly, moose and caribou are all possibilities on a combo hunt here.
Here are some photos from our 2016 B.C. moose hunting season:
If you’d like some information on our moose hunts in remote, northern British Columbia you can check out our Moose Hunting Page. If you’d like details or specific availability, you can call us at 780- 675-1942 or send us a message.