2018 Tradeshow Season is a Wrap
April 6, 2018
Mountain Goat Hunt Client Testimonail with Jon Gabrio
April 6, 2018With numerous rifle calibers on the market today all capable of taking down a moose, caribou and mountain goat, one caliber that we stand by is the proven 300 Winchester Magnum. The 30 caliber bullet selection offers a great variety of weights and bullet types which make the 300 Winchester a great round for big game like moose and caribou.
Other notable 30 calibers such as 30-378 Weatherby, 300 Remington Ultra Mag, 30 Nosler and 300 WSM make a great option as well. If you wish to get a little bigger bullet yet, you can look at something in 38 caliber such as a 338 Winchester Magnum, 338 Edge, 338 Lapua.
Over the years a lot of clients have used the true and tried 7mm Remington Magnum as well. While this is a great flat shooting gun and highly sought after for long range shooting, we recommend using bullet weights in the 175 to 180 gr out of this caliber if you are looking to use it for moose, caribou or mountain goats.
While there are numerous other calibers on the market, these are a few of the most common that we recommend for your hunt. One thing to keep in-mind, the 300 Winchester Magnum and the 7mm Remington Magnum are extremely popular cartridges. Thus being said, if you forget your ammunition at home, you can likely find cartridges in a store on your way.
We recommend bringing 40 to 50 rounds of ammunition with you. While hopefully you only need one or two rounds, when you’re 100+ miles from the nearest road or over two and a half hours from the nearest decent sized civilized city by plane, getting ammunition can be quite tough.
We hope these few tips help you in your process for planning on what type of rifle you wish to bring on your hunt with us.
To stay up to date with our current hunts, photos, videos and more by following us on Facebook and Instagram. You can also contact us at NorthRiverOutfitting.com or 780-675-1942.
We’ll be in touch soon! Cheers!